Thursday, June 28, 2012

In the beginning...

I guess the best place to start this blog is with me.  Who am I?  Well, that’s a big question.  I’m a daydreamer, an idealist, and a thinker.  I’m also a knitter, a secretary, and an aspiring genealogist.  And, last but not least, I’m a mother, a sister, and a daughter.  I am half Danish through my father and half American through my mother…and they are where this story begins.

My parents married in 1966, and I, their eldest daughter, was born the following year.  In the years following, they had two more daughters.  My dad was a farmer, and on a farm is where I grew up.  I wouldn’t trade my memories or experiences of living on a farm for anything, but I have to admit that I’m exceedingly glad I’m a “city girl” now! 

My purpose in writing this blog is to share and document my family history, both the genealogical facts and the stories that have been passed along.  As I said, I’m half Danish and half American.  My dad is the grandson of Danish immigrants.  Both of his parents were first generation Americans born to Danish immigrant parents.  My mom is descended from a range of different European nationalities, most of whom immigrated to America when the colonies were still being established.  So, both of my parents’ family histories offer such differing perspectives and history from one another. 

At present, I’ve researched my family history primarily on my dad’s family…both in America and in Denmark.  So that’s where I will begin…